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Course Resource Lists

This guide provides instructors with step-by-step instructions for using the libraries' course reserves platform.

Adding a New Section to Your List

  • To add a new section to your list, click on + Add and select New section:

Course Resource List Add item menu displayed; +Add button and New Section option circled

  • Type a title for the section, select where you would like the section to be added from the drop down menu and click on Add:

Add new section menu, Title typed in as "Pre-course," First selected from Add drop-down menu, Add button circled

Deleting a Section

  • To delete a section from your list, click on the three-dot Section menu icon that appears to the right of the section title and click on Delete section:

Course resource list - hovering over section menu icon

Section menu displayed, section menu three-dot icon and Delete item option circled

  • Confirm that you would like to delete the section by clicking Delete in the window that pops up:

Screen confirming deletion of section on course resource list

*Please note that deleting a section will delete all items within it, and these items/the section cannot be recovered.