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Reference Management

This resource provides information about the reference management software available to the Teachers College community and guidance for choosing the program that fits your needs.

Mendeley Introduction


Mendeley is a reference manager owned by the company Elsevier, a large scientific publishing company. Mendeley was originally open-source and predicated on the ability to share and reference full-text articles between research communities, both publicly and privately. Since being bought by Elsevier, Mendeley has been going through some changes to their platform. The Mendeley program for managing citation is called Mendeley Reference Manager. Previously, their program was called Mendeley Desktop and you can still download this older version until September 2022. Read more about Mendeley's move to their new program in their blog post Introducing Mendeley Reference Manager.

Downloading Mendeley

Mendeley Installation

There are three parts of Mendeley to download:

  1. Download the Mendeley Reference Manager. NB: the older version called Mendeley Desktop is still available for download, but we do not recommend getting this version as it will not be available starting September 2022.
  2.  Download Mendeley Cite. This add-in will allow you to cite and generate bibliographies directly in word documents. It will appear as the Mendeley logo in the References tab of Word.
  3. Download the Mendeley Web Importer. Use this connector to grab citation information from the web.


How to Use Mendeley Video